Transform Your Small Group Ministry with

Faith-Based Fitness 

SoulStrength Fit Small Groups

Empower your women’s ministry with a program that enriches faith, builds community, and fosters healthier lifestyles
Book a Call and Discover More


Transform Your Small Group Ministry with

Faith-Based Fitness 

SoulStrength Fit Small Groups

Empower your women’s ministry with a program that enriches faith, builds community, and fosters healthier lifestyles
Book a Call and Discover More

With SoulStrength Fit, your women’s ministry will build stronger faith, deeper community bonds, and healthier members - all while helping your church earn commissions that directly support its mission and growth.

SoulStrength Fit: Partnering with Churches to Transform Lives and Strengthen Ministries

Are you ready to provide your women’s ministry with a program that strengthens faith, builds connections, and promotes healthier living?

SoulStrength Fit invites your church to become an affiliate partner to inspire spiritual and physical growth in your members while creating new resources to support your ministry.

Strengthen Your Church Community

  • Fosters Stronger Relationships: By using small groups to work through the material together, your members will grow spiritually while gaining accountability, support, and guidance with their health goals.
  • Strengthen Your Congregation and Community Outreach: This program not only strengthens your church from within but can also inspire women outside the church to join, helping them commit to a healthier lifestyle and deepen their faith alongside your congregation.
  • Flexible and Easy to Implement: Stream the workouts during church gatherings, women's ministry meetings, or allow members to participate on their own time at home.
  • Equips Leadership: With leader guides that provide the resources needed to facilitate the program confidently.
  • Earn Commission for Your Ministry: Earn 30% commission on all membership sales , providing an opportunity to support your church ministry.

Imagine if...

  • Your women’s ministry had a program that strengthens both faith and fitness.
  • Your small groups worked together, building accountability and spiritual growth while pursuing health goals.
  • Your church became a place where women from the community felt welcome to join, commit to a healthier lifestyle, and grow closer to God.
  • You could offer a proven roadmap to help your members lead healthier, spiritually grounded lives.
Book a Call To Learn More

Whether you’re looking to grow your women’s ministry or create small groups that flourish in faith and health, 

SoulStrength Fit provides  an unparalleled opportunity to transform lives while supporting your church’s mission.

Introducing SoulStrength Fit Small Groups

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Transform Your Church or Small Group with Faith-Based Health & Fitness

SoulStrength Fit equips churches and small groups with a Christ-centered approach to fitness, nutrition, and spiritual growth. Whether you’re looking to inspire your community, nurture spiritual, physical and emotional well-being, or guide members toward healthier lives, our programs seamlessly blend faith and fitness to meet your group’s needs.

With our signature program, Transform Daily, your members will grow both spiritually and physically through easy-to-follow workouts, meaningful devotionals, and faith-driven health coaching—all designed to empower their walk with God and their overall well-being.

Build Stronger Small Groups: Schedule a Call Today!


It’s so much more motivating when you’re not doing it alone.

Having the small group to talk through the program with made all the difference. The discussions deepened my understanding of the material and brought a level of accountability that kept me on track. It’s so much more motivating when you’re not doing it alone.

~Jessica L


I don’t think I could have stuck to my health goals without that weekly connection

The content from the program was incredibly impactful, but being able to discuss it and reflect on it with a small group took it to another level. We encouraged each other, held each other accountable, and really bonded. I don’t think I could have stuck to my health goals without that weekly connection.

~Amanda W


It’s so much more motivating when you’re not doing it alone.

Having the small group to talk through the program with made all the difference. The discussions deepened my understanding of the material and brought a level of accountability that kept me on track. It’s so much more motivating when you’re not doing it alone.

~Jennifer L


I don’t think I could have stuck to my health goals without that weekly connection

The content from the program was incredibly impactful, but being able to discuss it and reflect on it with a small group took it to another level. We encouraged each other, held each other accountable, and really bonded. I don’t think I could have stuck to my health goals without that weekly connection.

~Amanda W

Transform Your Church: Body and Spirit

Strengthen Faith

Deepen Women's Walk with the Lord

Through daily Bible study, devotional workouts incorporating scripture, reflection & prayer, and growth in their small group, you can guide women to a deeper faith and a closer walk with the Lord.

Build Community

Foster Accountability and Connection

Create a supportive group environment where women can hold each other accountable, grow in their faith together, and build meaningful connections rooted in shared health goals and spiritual growth.

Promote Physical Health

Through Faith-Based Fitness 

Empower women to honor their bodies with worship workouts grounded in scripture and Christ-centered health coaching, guiding them to live healthier, more vibrant lives while growing in wisdom and self-discipline.

Ready to Transform Your Group? Let’s Connect!

What to Expect Each Week in Transform Daily 8-Week Challenge

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Overcoming Roadblocks

Workouts: Use Me God 1, Psalm 91 (or walk), Use Me God 2, Psalm 34 (or walk), Use Me God 3, Walk
Devotionals: A Living Sacrifice, Forgiveness, Follow Jesus, Trials & Difficulties, Rooted in Christ, Use Your Gifts
Holy Health Coaching Lessons: Introduction, Overcoming Roadblocks 1, Overcoming Roadblocks 2

Strength in Weakness

Workouts: Use Me in My Weakness 1, Psalm 91 (or walk), Use Me in My Weakness 2, Psalm 139 (or walk), Proverbs 31, Walk
Devotionals: Are You Available for God?, Do You Take Time to Thank God?, How Do You Handle Your Weaknesses?, Need to Be Healed, Proverbs 31, Abundance & Blessing
Holy Health Coaching Lessons: Overcoming Roadblocks - Mindset, Scripture to Support Your Journey, A Soul at Rest

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Comparison & Envy

Workouts: Comparison & Envy 1, Psalm 121 (or walk), Comparison & Envy 2, Psalm 103 (or walk), Forgiveness & Mercy, Walk
Devotionals: Peacemakers Do Not Envy, Search Me God, Spiritual Gifts, Light in the Darkness, Forgiveness & Mercy, Rule of Life
Holy Health Coaching Lessons: Surroundings for Success, Foods to Eat & Avoid 1, Foods to Eat & Avoid 2

Self-Care & Balance

Workouts: Lord’s Prayer 1, Psalm 8 (or walk), Lord’s Prayer 2, Psalm 46 (or walk), Hurried Life 1, Walk
Devotionals: Lord’s Prayer, Self Care, Daily Bread, Does God Know Best?, Stop Your Worry, Stop Your Hurry, God’s Healing
Holy Health Coaching Lessons: 21-Day Veggie Challenge, Gallon of Water a Day Challenge, Mindful Eating

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Setting Goals & Faith in Action

Workouts: Hurried Life 2, Psalm 63 (or walk), Fruit of the Spirit 1, Psalm 23 (or walk), Fruit of the Spirit 2, Walk
Devotionals: Sit Before Jesus, Tested by God, Abide in Christ, Make Jesus Central, Faith & Action, What’s Competing with Jesus?
Holy Health Coaching Lessons: Setting Goal Calories, How to Lose Fat, Not Muscle, Supplement for Success, Bonus: IBS

Joy, Peace & God's Guidance

Workouts: Fruit of the Spirit 3, Psalm 150 (or walk), Fruit of the Spirit 4, Psalm 37 (or walk), Fruit of the Spirit 5, Walk
Devotionals: Joy & Peace, What Are the Results of Your Sin, Patience, Kindness & Goodness, Where Are You God, Do People See Jesus In You?, Go Into All the World
Holy Health Coaching Lessons: Breakfast Meal Plans, Lunch Meal Plans, Dinner Meal Plans

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Overcoming Anxiety & Trusting God

Workouts: Anxious No More 1, Psalm 27 (or walk), Anxious No More 2, Psalm 40 (or walk), Anxious No More 3, Walk
Devotionals: Dealing with Anxiety, Are You Walking Through the Desert?, Let Go of the Need to Be in Control, Christ Has Chosen You, There Is Power in Prayer, The Mindset of Christ
Holy Health Coaching Lessons: Weight Loss Tips, Learn to Hunger for God, Fasting Benefits

Faith in Action & Finishing Strong

Workouts: Anxious No More 4, Psalm 66 (or walk), Anxious No More 5, Psalm 42 (or walk), Be Strong in the Lord, Walk
Devotionals: Are You Content No Matter the Circumstances?, Hard Pressed But Hopeful, Get Out of Your Boat, Run the Race, Armor of God, Put This Above All Else
Holy Health Coaching Lessons: Intermittent Fasting, Avoiding Plateaus, Next Steps

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What you will learn

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Overcoming Roadblocks

Workouts: Use Me God 1, Psalm 91 (or walk), Use Me God 2, Psalm 34 (or walk), Use Me God 3, Walk
Devotionals: A Living Sacrifice, Forgiveness, Follow Jesus, Trials & Difficulties, Rooted in Christ, Use Your Gifts
Holy Health Coaching Lessons: Introduction, Overcoming Roadblocks 1, Overcoming Roadblocks 2

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Strength in Weakness

Workouts: Use Me in My Weakness 1, Psalm 91 (or walk), Use Me in My Weakness 2, Psalm 139 (or walk), Proverbs 31, Walk
Devotionals: Are You Available for God?, Do You Take Time to Thank God?, How Do You Handle Your Weaknesses?, Need to Be Healed, Proverbs 31, Abundance & Blessing
Holy Health Coaching Lessons: Overcoming Roadblocks - Mindset, Scripture to Support Your Journey, A Soul at Rest

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Comparison & Envy

Workouts: Comparison & Envy 1, Psalm 121 (or walk), Comparison & Envy 2, Psalm 103 (or walk), Forgiveness & Mercy, Walk
Devotionals: Peacemakers Do Not Envy, Search Me God, Spiritual Gifts, Light in the Darkness, Forgiveness & Mercy, Rule of Life
Holy Health Coaching Lessons: Surroundings for Success, Foods to Eat & Avoid 1, Foods to Eat & Avoid 2

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Self-Care & Balance

Workouts: Lord’s Prayer 1, Psalm 8 (or walk), Lord’s Prayer 2, Psalm 46 (or walk), Hurried Life 1, Walk
Devotionals: Lord’s Prayer, Self Care, Daily Bread, Does God Know Best?, Stop Your Worry, Stop Your Hurry, God’s Healing
Holy Health Coaching Lessons: 21-Day Veggie Challenge, Gallon of Water a Day Challenge, Mindful Eating

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Setting Goals & Faith in Action

Workouts: Hurried Life 2, Psalm 63 (or walk), Fruit of the Spirit 1, Psalm 23 (or walk), Fruit of the Spirit 2, Walk
Devotionals: Sit Before Jesus, Tested by God, Abide in Christ, Make Jesus Central, Faith & Action, What’s Competing with Jesus?
Holy Health Coaching Lessons: Setting Goal Calories, How to Lose Fat, Not Muscle, Supplement for Success, Bonus: IBS

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Joy, Peace & God's Guidance

Workouts: Fruit of the Spirit 3, Psalm 150 (or walk), Fruit of the Spirit 4, Psalm 37 (or walk), Fruit of the Spirit 5, Walk
Devotionals: Joy & Peace, What Are the Results of Your Sin, Patience, Kindness & Goodness, Where Are You God, Do People See Jesus In You?, Go Into All the World
Holy Health Coaching Lessons: Breakfast Meal Plans, Lunch Meal Plans, Dinner Meal Plans

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Overcoming Anxiety & Trusting God

Workouts: Anxious No More 1, Psalm 27 (or walk), Anxious No More 2, Psalm 40 (or walk), Anxious No More 3, Walk
Devotionals: Dealing with Anxiety, Are You Walking Through the Desert?, Let Go of the Need to Be in Control, Christ Has Chosen You, There Is Power in Prayer, The Mindset of Christ
Holy Health Coaching Lessons: Weight Loss Tips, Learn to Hunger for God, Fasting Benefits

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Faith in Action & Finishing Strong

Workouts: Anxious No More 4, Psalm 66 (or walk), Anxious No More 5, Psalm 42 (or walk), Be Strong in the Lord, Walk
Devotionals: Are You Content No Matter the Circumstances?, Hard Pressed But Hopeful, Get Out of Your Boat, Run the Race, Armor of God, Put This Above All Else
Holy Health Coaching Lessons: Intermittent Fasting, Avoiding Plateaus, Next Steps

Grab Your Leader Guide!

Introducing the Transform Daily Small Group Leader Guide 

The Transform Daily Small Group Leader Guide is designed to help your group build healthy habits, deepen their faith, and stay committed to honoring their temples. By pairing this guide with the full Transform Daily 8-Week Challenge, your small group will experience the power of community, accountability, and encouragement. Together, you’ll journey toward a healthier lifestyle—physically and spiritually—while strengthening your faith and supporting one another in living for God's glory.  

Grab your copy here!

Help Women Grow Spiritually & Physically 

While Your Church Earns 30% Commission on Every Membership

Transform Your Women's Ministries

with Faith-Based Fitness

Transform Daily 8-Week Challenge

Our signature Faith & Fitness program combines daily devotionals with beginner to advanced Bible study workouts. 

Holy Health

A comprehensive 8-week Christ-centered health & nutrition coaching program focused on aligning health goals with God's design

Faith-Based Fitness Programs

Gain access to a full year’s worth of faith-based programming that includes daily devotionals and corresponding Bible study workouts.

Book Your Free Call Now


This program provided the structure and accountability I needed

The small group discussions each week helped me dive deeper into my Bible study and led to really meaningful conversations. I’ve always struggled to stay consistent with daily time in the Word, but this program provided the structure and accountability I needed to finally make Bible study and regular exercise a daily habit.

~Jessica M


It’s the first time I’ve been able to stay consistent

I’ve tried so many times to build healthy habits, but I would always fall off track. This program, with its combination of Bible study, exercise, and small group accountability, was exactly what I needed. It’s the first time I’ve been able to stay consistent in both my Bible study and health habits, and I’m seeing the results in every area of my life.

~Emily S


This program provided the structure and accountability I needed

The small group discussions each week helped me dive deeper into my Bible study and led to really meaningful conversations. I’ve always struggled to stay consistent with daily time in the Word, but this program provided the structure and accountability I needed to finally make Bible study and regular exercise a daily habit.

~Jessica M


It’s the first time I’ve been able to stay consistent

I’ve tried so many times to build healthy habits, but I would always fall off track. This program, with its combination of Bible study, exercise, and small group accountability, was exactly what I needed. It’s the first time I’ve been able to stay consistent in both my Bible study and health habits, and I’m seeing the results in every area of my life.

~Emily S

Frequently Asked Questions

Hey, I'm Kelly

Health Coach, Author, & Founder of SoulStrength Fit 

I’m passionate about helping women live their healthiest lives, spiritually and physically, in alignment with God’s purpose. As the creator of SoulStrength Fit, I empower women to honor their bodies, strengthen their faith, and build lasting healthy habits.

In addition to my programs, I also have the unique opportunity to run women’s small groups for churches. I can lead your members in weekly virtual meetings through the Transform Daily 8-Week Challenge, helping your community grow together in faith, fitness, and accountability.

To learn more about how Kelly can help lead your small group or work with your church, click here to schedule a call today.