Start a Faith & Fitness Small Group! 

Are you ready to strengthen your commitment to a healthy lifestyle, grow in your walk with the Lord, and help other women do the same?  Answer God's call to be a blessing and inspiration in the lives of other women by starting your own SoulStrength Fit small group within your church or community.

Get Your SoulStrength Fit Transform+ 8-Week Challenge Leader Guide today

The benefits of the 8-Week Challenge are accelerated when done in a supportive community of friends! 

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8 Weeks of daily devotionals that correspond with the faith-based workouts to guide your group's personal time in the Word


8 weeks of 3 strength training workouts/ per week that incorporate Bible Study, prayer, & Scripture, strengthening both body and spirit


Nutrition guide, recipes, meal plans, and Christ-centered health coaching to nourish each member's body and help her achieve her health and fitness goals 


When it comes to getting healthy, achieving goals, and walking faithfully with the Lord, two are always better than one - accountability, support, & encouragement

What is a SoulStrength Fit Small Group

A SoulStrength Fit Small Group is a gathering of women committed to honoring their temples, living healthy lives, and seeking the Lord in all all they do. These women strive to become God's best version of themselves, feeling healthy, strong, and vibrant from the inside out while honoring God in every aspect of their lives.

It's a weekly gathering women who come together to find community, accountability and support.  They study the Word, reflect on the past week, and pray together. Each member completes the weekly workouts & devotionals at home in her own time, and at the end of the week the group gathers to discuss the devotionals and talk all things faith and fitness. This powerful and effective approach helps women reach their fitness goals while growing in their walk with God.

*For information about churching licensing to host group classes in which women workout together using SoulStrength videos, email: [email protected]

Step 1: Get your FREE Transform+ 8-Week Challenge Leader Guide

Get started by downloading our complete Transform+ 8-Week Challenge Leader Guide. This comprehensive guide provides all the tools and resources you need to lead a 9-week small group using the Transform+ 8-Week Challenge and Holy Health Coaching.


Step 2: Start a Small Group

Gather your friends, coworkers, or members of your church and plan this transformative journey together. The program is designed to strengthen your body, mind, and spirit, creating a supportive community that encourages each other in faith and fitness.

Additionally, if you would like to introduce your church staff to SoulStrength Fit, one will be sent to you once you download the Transform+ 8-Week Challenge Leader Guide.

Step 3: Have Fun!

SoulStrength Fit's Transform+ 8-Week Challenge is doable and rewarding for women of all fitness levels.  Members report weight loss, increased energy, and improvements in strength.  Most importantly, however,  this program is a lifestyle transformation that will bring peace, joy, healing and strength to members as they commit to growing STRONGER in their walk with the Lord.


Get Your Leader Guide Today!

Combine the power of group support, accountability and fellowship with the guidance of SoulStrength Fit's Transform+ 8-Week Challenge and Leader Guide and watch lives transform!

Get me the FREE Leader Guide today!