Best Foods for Weight Loss

Aug 16, 2021

Best Foods for Weight Loss

Nutrition is probably the single most important factor in weight loss and health.  It can become easy when we want to lose weight to become obsessed with finding the latest diet fad, or focusing on calorie intake alone.  But what’s so important to remember on any weight loss journey is the enormous impact that solid nutrition has on your fitness and health.  What we need to do is find a way of eating that’s sustainable, and allow your healthy eating habits to become a lifestyle.  This is what will lead to you being healthier, happier, a few pounds lighter, and more confident.  It’s said for good reason that food is medicine.

To lose weight and actually become healthier in the process, here’s a list of 10 foods I’d recommend you work into your diet.

 Whole Fruits and Veggies

To begin with, EAT whole fruits and veggies.  Juicing has become a very popular trend.   Lots of people think that by drinking more juice they’ll suddenly be able to lose weight.  There are definitely a lot of great juices out there, and you may get a great nutrition boost with some high quality pressed green juices.  But, if we’re talking specifically about weight loss, we’ve got to remember that it comes down to eating fewer calories than you burn.  So is all the juice replacing your meals, or is the juice in addition to the foods you’re eating.  If you’re juicing in replacement of meals, then chances are you’re severely restricting calories.  So if that’s the case,  it can help you to lose weight - but probably just in the short run.  But replacing meals with juice isn’t easy.  Most people don’t find it particularly enjoyable; there’s something mentally different about being able to sit down and  enjoy a healthy meal than to get all your calories through liquid form.  Most people feel restricted and deprived when they do this.  It feels like a diet - a crash diet - and not a sustainable weight loss plan.  It’s hard to feel satiated and satisfied on a liquid diet. Juice can be relatively high in calories and won’t keep you as full as eating whole foods will.  So you may just end up drinking more juice and  taking in more calories than you had hoped.  In the short-term, juicing might give you a confidence boost for your ability to make a positive change. But if you deprive yourself for too long, you’ll likely gain the weight back as soon as you go back to your normal way of eating. 


Quinoa is another great food for weight loss.  Quinoa is filling and nutritious - definite bonuses to look for when considering what foods to eat on your weight loss journey.  It’s a good source of protein and can be prepared in tons of different ways - as a  sweet breakfast meal with almond milk and cinnamon, or as a delicious savory side dish at dinner cooked in vegetable broth with chopped vegetables.  Because It’s rich in fiber, quinoa helps you stay full longer.  It’s got all nine essential amino acids - making it a complete protein.  This is especially important to those who follow a vegetarian or vegan meal plan.  Also, quinoa  could be considered a “good” carb.  It’s low on the glycemic  index.  Low-GI foods are generally ones that contain protein and fiber, and these foods keep you satiated longer.  So because quinoa contains minerals, antioxidants and all nine essential amino acids, it could be considered one of the healthiest and most nutritious foods on the planet. 

Whole Eggs

Next, whole eggs make a great  addition to any weight loss meal plan.  Adding eggs to your diet may be one of the easiest things to do if you're trying to lose weight. They can make you feel more full and help you eat fewer calories throughout the day.  They’re a great source of many vitamins and minerals that are commonly lacking in the diet.  Whole eggs have choline, which is often lacking in our diets, So getting in eggs can help ensure you have the right amounts. Choline has a part in lots of different functions in the body, and may offer health benefits such as boosting metabolism and helping heart health and brain development.  Egg yolks are also a great source of Vitamin D, a nutrient that can be important to bone health and immunity. Also, eggs are a great source of protein.  one large egg has about six grams of high-quality protein, making them a good choice for meeting your protein requirements.  Studies have shown that protein can help keep the metabolism moving along quickly, energy levels high, and keep you fuller for longer: all important factors in weight control.


Speaking of great sources of protein, salmon has to make this list.  Salmon is high in protein and nutrients with reasonable calories.  And Salmon is one of the best sources of omega-3 fatty acids.  Unlike most other fats, omega-3 fats are considered "essential," meaning you must get them from your diet since your body can't create them.  Omega 3s have been credited with lots of health benefits, including decreasing inflammation, lowering blood pressure, reducing the risk of cancer, and improving the function of the cells that line your arteries.  So this fish is basically a power-house food!  Not only is salmon a great source of protein and omega-3s, did you know that  it’s a great source of B vitamins as well?  B vitamins are important for making sure the body's cells are functioning properly. They help the body convert food into energy - which means they help with metabolism, and they create new blood cells, and maintain healthy skin cells and brain cells as well.  So fall in love with salmon and begin incorporating it into your diet if you’re not already.


Avocados are another awesome food to add to your diet if you’re looking to lose weight.  Don’t be afraid of avocados because they’re high in fat.  Fat, remember, has many important functions in your body.  When you eat healthy fats, you help support cellular growth, protect your organs, help with the production of hormones and support your immunity.  Avocados are a nutrient-dense superfood, rich in healthy good fats, dietary fiber and essential vitamins and minerals.  Also, avocados are satisfyingly filling. Because they’re satiating - which means they give you the feeling of being full, you’re less likely to overeat when you work avocados into your diet.  So feel full, get healthy fats and lots of vitamins and minerals - great bang for your buck with avocados!



Nuts are another great source of healthy fats and a great food to add into your weight loss diet.  They’re packed full of nutrients and antioxidants, and they have a wide range of health benefits, such as protecting against heart disease and diabetes.  Regularly eating nuts as part of a weight loss diet can boost weight loss and improve cholesterol.  And just like with avocado, snacking on the right amount of nuts has been shown to reduce hunger and cravings because it’s fat content makes them filling.  A couple notes on nuts - portion size does matter.  Nuts can be easy to overdo, so portion control is key because they are calorie dense.  One ounce of nuts has about 170 calories, so be sure to measure out your portions.  I’d recommend these nuts for your weight loss diet:

First, walnuts.  Walnuts are one of the best nuts for weight loss because they are rich in the omega-3 fatty acid, alpha-linoleic acid and fiber, and they contain one of the highest concentrations of antioxidants.

Pistachios are also loaded with healthy fats, and their high levels of protein make them a great food choice for cutting your cravings for unhealthy snacks between meals.  Like pistachios and walnuts, almonds have healthy fats, along with plenty of protein and fiber to keep you feeling full and prevent you from overeating.  Cashews are a great source of magnesium. Magnesium helps your body metabolize fats and carbohydrates - great for weight loss.  And like the other nuts, cashews also have a good amount of protein which can be good for controlling appetite.  

And finally, brazil nuts.  Brazil nuts come loaded with fiber and protein, like I’ve said - both important for weight loss. They are also a good source of vitamins and minerals which are said to be helpful in weight loss and the fat burning process.


Next on the list: yogurt.  Yogurt may just help speed weight loss, and trim your tummy.  Studies have shown that dieters on a low calorie diet who added yogurt into their daily meal plan lost more weight than those who didn’t, and not only that, lost more fat in their stomach area.  This could be evidence for calcium and added protein playing a role in determining body weight and fat.  But regardless, yogurt is filling, protein rich, and can be a great source of probiotics.  Choose yogurts without a lot of added sugar, additives, or artificial sweeteners.  Also, you’ve got to be in tune with your body on this one.  Lots of people can tolerate yogurt just fine.  Lactose intolerant people often find yogurt much easier to digest than milk. The best yogurt for people with lactose intolerance is a full-fat, probiotic yogurt that contains live bacterial cultures, or look for some of the awesome yogurt variations out there such as almond milk yogurt.  Just be sure to read the label; see if it’s a good source of protein and double check that it doesn’t have loads of added sugars or unwanted additives.


Up next: spinach.  Spinach isn’t just your average green. This super-vegetable contains more nutrients than most people can name. This nutritional powerhouse is great for weight loss, fitness and just general health.

Spinach has a lot to offer your body. Because It’s low in calories but super high in nutrients, it is an excellent weight loss food. It boasts an impressive array of vitamins and minerals, including folate, riboflavin, vitamin B6 and magnesium. Spinach is best known as a source of iron, but it’s also a good source of calcium.  When you’re restricting calories with the goal of losing weight, low calorie, nutrient dense foods like spinach are a must.

Cruciferous vegetables 

These vegetables are another must in your weight loss plan. Cauliflower, broccoli, and other veggies in this family like bok choy and brussel sprouts, have been proven in studies to help people lose weight.  Thanks to them being high in fiber and low in calories, they not only make you feel full, but they’re also rich in folic acid, potassium, and other B vitamins and minerals.  So here’s your reminder to fill your plate with cruciferous vegetables if you’re looking to lose weight and improve your health.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Last up, apple cider vinegar.  Not a food, but this could make a great addition to your weight loss plan. Apple cider vinegar has been used for thousands of years as a health tonic. Research shows it has many potential health benefits, such as lowering blood sugar levels.  But adding apple cider vinegar to your diet may also help with weight loss.  Some studies suggest that it might help with weight loss in many ways.  In addition to lowering blood sugar, it may decrease insulin levels, increase metabolism, and help suppress appetite.

I drink apple cider vinegar regularly, and I’d definitely recommend it for the wide array of health benefits suggested by various studies.  So how should you work it into your diet?

You could mix it with olive oil as a salad dressing. It’s really tasty with leafy greens, cucumbers and tomatoes.

Some people enjoy it as a tea, served hot with lemon and honey.

I personally enjoy it in a tall glass filled with ice water, a little stevia and sometimes a slice of lemon.  You should take about 1–2 tablespoons per day, mixed with water or into your dressings.  Start out with a small amount - maybe half a tablespoon at first - just to see how you tolerate it.  And don’t go overboard.  Adding more than just a couple tablespoons per day won’t help speed up the weight loss process or yield greater health benefits; it may just make you feel a little nauseous, actually.

So maybe try it my way  first.  Grab a huge mason jar, or whatever tall glass you’ve got.  Add about 1 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar, perhaps a  bit of lemon, and either stevia or honey to sweeten it.  Then fill the entire jar with ice water and stir it all up.  It’ll taste like a tangy lemonade!


So, start working some of these amazing foods into your diet.  Remember, when you’re cutting calories for weight loss, it’s extra important to make sure your nutrition is spot on - giving your body all the nutrients it needs.

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