Getting back on track with your fitness goals QUICKLY!

fitness get fit quick healthy eating hiit training muscle nutrition soul strength soulstrength fit strength toning weight loss weight training wellness what should i eat Jun 13, 2021

Maybe you've had a weekend of horrible eating or haven't seen the inside of the gym in weeks.  Don't worry - we all get off track sometimes!

I found myself needing to get back on track after a long season of holiday eating, and these are my go-to tactics for feeling my best as QUICKLY as possible:

1.Make your workouts count

•Weight training with the goal of max calorie burn

•Burn a ton of calories, sculpt lean muscle, increase your metabolism

•Look to combine upper and lower body exercises, such as a squat to press or lunge to lateral raise

•Move quickly from one exercise to the next, keeping your heart rate lifted

2.  Focus on lean protein and try to get all your carbs from produce - mostly vegetables. Add just enough healthy fat, mostly from olive or avocado oil, avocados, nuts and seeds.  This is a  great, natural, whole foods approach to cutting extra calories while focusing on getting the nutrients your body needs.  Each food you choose should serve a purpose.  It should be providing lean protein, fiber and nutrients, or heart-healthy fat

3.  Have a plan!

•First, have a plan what you’re going to eat.  Don’t just wing it.  Plan your meals and log your food in advance, either first thing in the morning or last thing at night.  I use an app on my phone and plan what I’m going to eat and when I’m going to eat it.  Even if I deviate slightly, I know I’ll still be close to what my caloric and macro goals were for the day.

•Second, plan your workouts.   - put it in your calendar!  When are you going to do it?  Which days and at what times?  Honor the commitments you make to yourself just as you’d honor the commitments you make to other people.  If you plan an morning gym session or jog, set out your clothes.  If you plan to hit the gym after work,  always have a gym bag ready to go.  Planning an early morning home workout? - set your room the night before.  Tidy up and get out your weights or whatever equipment you might need.

4. Don’t underestimate the little things - both positive and negative.  Little habits and actions, over time,  add up to big changes.  10 extra  minutes of walking a day will add up to thousands of calories burned in a few months.  On the other hand, a few extra calories here and there, a few extra unneeded bites daily, a few extra“cheat meals,” can all lead to thousands of calories and a guaranteed slow and steady. weight gain over time.  Make sure all your little habits and actions are taking you in the direction of your goals.

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